Colebourne’s Got Talent is our talent show, which takes place every two years.
The Talent Show will take place on Thursday 27th June 2019. There will be a whole school performance during the day and then performance to parents and families in the evening.
Before auditioning, please check that the children will be free to perform on the evening of Thursday 27th June

Auditions will take place in school on
Wednesday 22nd May

You have just over a month to get practising!
Britain’s Got Talent is currently on TV so you could watch that on a Saturday night to get some ideas. We are looking for these kinds of acts:
• Dancing
• Drama eg. acting, performing a poem
• Singing
• Rapping
• Playing a musical instrument
• Gymnastics, karate or any other sporting skill
• Comedy
• Circus tricks eg. juggling, diabolo
• A talent to do with memory
• Magicians
• A talent to do with a subject eg. Amazing knowledge of times tables/country names/dates in history
• Ball skills e.g. football/basketball
• Art – drawing or painting live
• Yo-yoing/pogo stick/skipping
• Doing impressions
• Anything else unusual or interesting that you can perform well!
You can either perform your act on your own, in a pair or as a group.
Before the auditions you need to practise several times.
You must know your act really well and be able to perform it without looking at words etc. You will be allowed music or backing music if you need it. When we have seen all the auditions, we will select some acts to perform at the Talent Show.
We also require two or three Year 5 or 6 children to be the presenters of the show. If you are interested in being a presenter, you will also need to audition. You will be given something to read out so we can check that you are confident with speaking clearly and loudly.

We can’t wait to see Colebourne’s amazing talent!!
If you have any questions – please speak to Mrs. Keeley (Y2)

Colebourne’s Got Talent Auditions – Wednesday 22nd May!