Part of our school improvement plan this year relates to Handwriting and Spelling. Parents can here more about our approaches at one of the workshops taking place over the coming weeks:

Monday 9th October, 2pm Y3 Parents Workshop – Handwriting and Spelling
Tuesday 10th October, 2pm Y4 Parents Workshop – Handwriting and Spelling
Wednesday 11th October, 9.15am Y5 Parents Workshop – Handwriting and Spelling
Wednesday 11th October, 2pm Y1 Parents Workshop – Phonics, Handwriting and Spelling
Friday 13th October, 2pm Y6 Parents Workshop – SATs, Handwriting and Spelling
Monday 16th October, 2pm Y2 Parents Workshop – Handwriting and Spelling

There are also a lot of great Apps that can help with handwriting and spelling; just search on your devices app store.

A few handwriting apps can be found here:

Handwriting and Spelling Workshops and Apps