The Government allocate funding to most schools for improving physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. You can get the up to date information from the DFE website – sports funding page.
At Colebourne, the allocated funding for 2022-2023 equated to approximately £19,000
We have used some of this money to
- hire specialist sports coaches to work with primary teachers during PE lessons and to deliver PE lessons
- hire sports coaches to provide coaching during lunchtimes
- support and involve the least active children by running fitness clubs and activities
- provide resources and training courses in PE and sport for teachers
- take part in sport competitions and increase pupils’ participation
We have also supplemented this money with school budget share to:
- purchase increased equipment for physical activity at lunch and breaktimes
- Additional release time for Sports leaders to develop clubs and curriculum
- Consultancy work to develop new PE and sports approach
Since 2021 we have focused on:
- Ensuring the main school PE curriculum is of a high standard and ensure increased fitness and sports skills development
- Increasing physical activity across the school week to respond to Covid fitness and health, and to improve overall well being
- Using on-site swimming to enable more efficient use of time and allow more children to access swimming
- Increase the number of sport related afterschool clubs
- Target the fitness of the most needy
A copy of our Sports Action Plans can be found by clicking on the link below:
Sports Premium Impact Report 2023-2024
Sports Premium Impact Report 2022-2023
Sports Premium Impact Report 2021-2022
Sports Premium Impact Report 2020-2021
Sports Premium IMPACT REPORT 2019-2020
Sports Premium Action Plan 2019-2020
Sports Premium Action Plan 2018-19 Impact and Sustainability
Sports Funding Action Plan - 2018-2019
Sports Funding Action Plan - 2017-2018
Sports Funding Impact Report - 2016-2017
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We also have many afterschool competitions and events. Some of the reports for these can be seen below:
Football Competition - 6th October 2014
Change for life event - 9th December 2014
Football Match Report - 10th June 2014
We are also pleased to announce that we have continued to improve our commitment and provision of sport and have received the School Games Awards Gold every year since 2015 up to 2021
Updated – July 2021