I hope you are all well. Please see below my update for this week.

Live Zoom Sessions

It has been so nice to see so many children in the ZOOM Live Lessons this week. We have had assemblies, story time, quizzes, art lessons and sensory bottle workshops.
Every child has access to at least one LIVE ZOOM SESSION every day.

Next week it is another one of our Theme weeks and this time is all about LIFE SKILLS.

The Padlets will have a few activities a day, plus a LIVE SESSION each day for every child.

Remember to check the home learning Padlet for all the links to each year group.


Next weeks’ live sessions timetable is also now available: https://colebourneprimary.padlet.org/ColebournePrimary/Week11LiveSessions

The next few weeks of home/school learning is as follows:

  • 22nd June: Life Skills Week
  • 29th June: Well-being Week
  • 6th July: Celebration Week
  • 13th July: Transition Week (no pupils in school)

Children back in school

This week we have welcomed back to school all those who asked for a place.

We currently have 6 bubble rooms accommodating around 50 children.

A few weeks ago, the government announced that they were NOT going ahead with the plan to try to get all year groups back before September.  Then a week later schools were asked to offer more places from any year group, where they can.

I wanted to update you on our plans for this.

From 29th June, in addition to the places already on offer to Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6, we may be able to offer the following, depending on the number of requests:

  • Small number of places for children in Year 2
  • Small number of places for children in Year 3
  • Small number of places for children in Year 4
  • Small number of places for children in Year 5

We only have a very small capacity of remaining staff to deliver this provision so if we have more applications than available spaces, priority will be given to those whose parents need to go back to work or where there is a specific reason for needing the provision.

Once we have details of who wants to return, we can give more details of what the provision will look like.

If you would like you child(ren) to return to school for the two weeks: 29th June – 10th July, please complete the following form: Request to return to school form

The deadline is Tuesday 23rd June, 2pm for all applications and we are unlikely to consider applications after this time.

You may want to watch one of the videos below to get a sense of what the provision looks like.

A similar approach will be in place for the additional bubbles.

Currently, we are working hard to ensure all children have access to learning, whether they are at home or at school, which is why we have:

  • Distributed over 70 iPads to families to use
  • Supported those with additional needs with specific learning packs
  • Produced Weekly Padlet activities and Extra activities through Class Dojo
  • Started Live Lessons and activities

At this moment in time, based on the number of children and staff we have in school, we are able to continue the above provision for all children at home, alongside supporting those in school and we hope to be able to continue this for the next few weeks.

Last Day of Term

As things stand, the last day of term for children in school will be Friday 10th July. This is to enable a deep clean of all the rooms that have been used.  The following week will also be used for transition activities such as virtual meetings with new teachers, planning and set up for September, plus preparation and distribution of summer home learning packs and school reports.

As always, please get in touch if you have any questions; the main school office is open for phone calls during each school day.

Best wishes and have a great weekend,

Mr. Guest

Parent update from Mr. Guest (19th June 2020)