We are excited to be taking part again in this year’s Primary Science Fair organised by the Pilot Partnership. The children have all been invited to participate by investigating and recording their own science project, either by themselves or with a family member.

The project can be;

  • an experiment to answer a question,
  • a problem and solution
  • a research project.

It can be on any area of science that interests your child.

Questions could be something like;

‘What mixture makes the biggest bubbles?’

‘Which is the best make of bubble gum?’

‘Which tastes best: supermarket ‘home brand’ biscuits/cereals or branded ones?

‘What colour bird feeder do birds prefer?’

‘Do bigger wheels on a model mean the model will travel further?’

‘How much sugar is actually in pop?’ (Could try slowly evaporating drinks to see how much sugar is left)

‘Is the resting heart rate different for different people/age of people/ boys and girls etc’

‘What is the best washing up liquid’ (Could try putting different washing up liquids into water/oil mix and compare results)

‘Do bigger wings mean longer flight time’ (Paper helicopters)

How to enter

When your child has carried out their investigation or research they need to make a display board to communicate their learning to others. This needs to have 3 panels of information (as shown) which can be made from a large cardboard box or even a cereal box, opened out, painted or covered in wrapping paper and held together with tape.

This display board should follow the format we use for Science Investigations in school and clearly show;

  • the project title
  • the question or problem
  • what your child thinks the answer is (prediction/hypothesis)
  • what they did (method/procedure)
  • what they observed/what happened (results).
  • what they found out (conclusion)

science board

They can also include a small model or experiment and/or project notes.

The children need to bring their completed projects to school on the morning of Monday 27th March. All children’s entries will be displayed in their classrooms and shared with their class and year group. If you wish to come and see the entries for yourself, they will be on display in the atrium from 3.00pm on Monday 27th March.

A winner will be selected from Reception, KS1, Lower KS2 and Upper KS2. The winning entries will then have the opportunity to represent the school, and to win some fantastic prizes, in the grand-final at the University of Birmingham on Thursday 30th March.

Last year’s science fair was a huge success and two of our children even went on to win overall at the grand-final. I can’t wait to see all the exciting ideas the children come up with this year!

Mrs. Poole (Assistant Head – Curriculum)