After discussion with children, parents, staff and governors about the direction of the school and the areas that we value as a community school we developed the following vision statement. We also developed a pupil guarantee to ensure that children understood what this vision meant for them in a more meaningful and specific way. We also have the “50 Things” experiences that we guarantee the children have the opportunity to complete during their time at Colebourne.

As we work very closely with Beaufort School we have the same tag line:

“Working together to achieve success for all”.

This tag line reflects the opportunities we have to work together in many ways: As two schools working together; pupils working together with other pupils; staff working with other staff, pupils, parents and the community and all other combinations. It shows our commitment as a school in working together. The success element spans all elements of success – whether this be academic, social or emotional or sporting to name just a few. It also shows that as a school we look at success in a holistic way with a focus on the journey for every child, every staff member, and every family.

More specifically as an individual school we have the overall aim of:

“We value each individual child and work with parents, the community and beyond to offer diverse experiences and support for pupils and families in a caring and safe environment. We develop children to be confident, life-long learners and compassionate, respectful members of their community and the world.”

From this we identified five areas that will help guide the way the school operates and provides its services.

The 5 areas and the core elements of this are:

Families- We work in partnership with our school community

  • Actively involve families in the life of the school
  • Provide access to a range of support and services
  • Communicate in a variety of ways
  • Take an active role in making a positive difference in our local community

Teaching and Learning – We foster and develop life-long learning

  • Use evidence based approaches for effective provision
  • Promote positive learning behaviours and values
  • Effectively use ongoing support and progress checks to enable children to achieve
  • Continually develop highly skilled and reflective practitioners at all levels
  • Share and utilise expertise

Inclusion – We effectively meet the individual needs of all of our pupils and families

  • Ensure that all of our pupils can access all aspects of school life
  • Ensure the early identification and assessment of needs
  • Provide relevant resources to meet needs
  • Offer a variety of support for families

Health and Well-being – We support all children, families and staff to have a healthy mind and body

  • Develop children’s and families’ understanding through the school curriculum
  • Develop emotional resilience
  • Provide early and intensive packages of support to meet a variety of needs
  • Offer access to a range of professionals
  • Provide opportunities to experience outdoor learning

Curriculum – We develop well rounded individuals by providing a range of diverse learning opportunities and experiences

  • Develop core skills and attitudes needed for life now and in the future
  • Enable children to become numerate, literate and communicate effectively
  • Foster and support talents and interests
  • Broaden learning through links with businesses, charities and other educational establishments
  • Provide all children with a range of wider learning opportunities

In addition to this we have the school values.

The Colebourne values underpin our approach. Children are encouraged and supported to show these values in all aspects of school life and in the wider society.

They express key values that we all can strive to achieve in our lives.

These values are displayed around the school and are referred to in lessons, assemblies and newsletters in order for children to develop an understanding not only of what each word means but how these can be demonstrated in school and as part of their wider lives.

We encourage parents to talk to their children about these words and explore: What do the word means?  What actions enable them to show this value? Which values are really strong in their own family and between members of their family?

We aim to identify and recognise these values in our children and celebrate these through direct feedback to the children and through achievement and celebration assemblies.