We found a letter!
generic (3)
The day started with a mysterious clue…


We read our instructions for the day ahead. It was going to be a challenge!


Finally! We put all the clues that we had won together to spell out the mystery name!


Year 2 had a very mathematical morning on the last day of term. We arrived at school to find that the cheeky villain that we had been learning about in our English lessons had been in! He had heard that we were trying to track him down and decided that he wanted to play a game with us to help us find out his name. He set us a series of mathematical challenges and problems that required us to work together as a team. Each time we solved a problem we received a letter tile which made up part of his name. We all worked so hard throughout the morning that we were able to find the correct answers to each challenge and collect all of the tiles. For the final challenge we had to re-arrange the letter tiles so that they made a name that we could read. We think that Night Walker picked the wrong year 2 children to tease as we are just too clever for his tricks!

HassanIsamAbdulRaheemHaidar (1) InayaEasaAbdullahSara (3) IsmaeelIbrahimRaheemKaleem (3) JakeYusufAnam (5) JakeYusufAnam (22) MalaikaNaayaabMyaSarah (15) MalaikaNaayaabMysSarahW

Year 2 on a Top Secret Mission!
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