Dear all
Here are a few updates for this week:

Harvest collection
– this starts on Monday 26th September, so if you have any non-perishable food items, please begin sending these in. Each class will display these in their class before they are all collected early the following week.

Parent update meeting with Mr. Guest
– Tuesday 27th September, 9am in the main hall – please come straight into school after dropping children off. It would be great to see lots of parents, including new families.

Secondary school open days:
– There are lots of secondary school open days in the next few weeks – please check their websites for details. These are for year 6 children who need to apply for secondary school by 31st October 2022. Year 5 children might like to go to the open days too as this helps them see secondary schools.

McMillan Coffee morning
– Friday 30th September, 9am: Come and join other parents and neighbours for some coffee and cake. Please bring along a relative or neighbour too! If you would like to donate cakes – please send in from Thursday or bring on the morning.

Have a great weekend
Mr. Guest

Parent Update from Mr. Guest (23rd September 2022)